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.1 The Members of the Zimbabwe Boer Goat Society shall abide with the following rules 

a) Application for membership shall be made on the official form, to be obtained from the society and returned to the Secretary

b) Members shall pay an annual subscription, which shall become due on 1st March each year. The amount of the subscription shall be decided and amended when necessary by the committee and recommended to members at an AGM

c) The ZBGS joining fee is $5 which is a one off payment. The annual membership fee will be $100 with no extra charge for partnerships.

d)Those members who fail to pay the membership fee by 1st March in the current year will be deemed not to be members of the society and shall not enjoy the benefits of membership.

e) Any member who has been a member for not less than one year may, subject to the consent of the committee, become a life member on payment of a sum equivalent to ten years membership fees, in lieu of further annual subscriptions.

f) The committee shall have the power to fix a limit to the number of life members.

g) The committee shall have the power to elect as honouree life members, without payment of any further subscription, any member, of not less than three years standing who shall in the opinion of the committee have rendered services to the society, but such election shall not take effect unless and until confirmed at the AGM next following the date of such election.

h) There shall not be more than three honouree life members at any-one time.

2. Requirements for transfer of ownership of Boer Goats 

a) An application to transfer ownership of a registered goat can only be done by a paid up member

b) Applications must be made on current prescribed transfer forms

c) Prescribed forms must be completed and signed by the current registered owner

d) Prescribed forms must be returned to the registration secretary, with correct payment ($5 per goat), as soon as practical after the transfer of the goat

e) Registered goats must be transferred in to the new owners name prior to applications to register any progeny from these goats.


3. Requirements for registration of Boer Goats 

a) Registrations may only be made by a fully paid up member of the society with a registered prefix

b) Application should be made by the breeder – that is the owner of the dam at the time of the birth – of the animals to be registered.

c) Where this is not possible the society may at its discretion accept an application from an owner other than the breeder. In such cases the owners prefix shall be used as a suffix.

d) No two herds will be allowed to register the same prefix, (so check with the registration Secretary that your chosen prefix is available).

e) Registration Applications shall be made on the appropriate form obtainable from the registration Secretary

f) Colour of goats submitted for registration must be accurately described on the application form as – either ‘Show’ or ‘Red’ or ‘Commercial’.

g) ‘Show colour’ is as described in Boer Goat Society “Breed Standards” booklet

h) Red goats shall confirm to the Societies Breed Standard

i) Boer goats exhibiting colours not conforming to either the ‘Show’ or ‘Red’ standard must be described as ‘Commercial’. ‘

j) Show’ goats will be allocated the letter ‘S’ and red goats the letter ‘R’ commercial goats the letter ‘C’ following their registration number.

k) A certificate of service signed by the owner of the buck shall accompany each application, except where the servicing buck was in the registered ownership of the breeder.

l) All goats to be registered with the society must be ear tagged in their ears with an individual ear number and herd number to comply with Livestock regulations. This number must cross- reference to the goats’ registration number.

m) Grades of Boer goats are defined as follows:

Grade 0 – over 93.75% Boer genes

Grade 1 – over 87.5% Boer genes

Grade 2 – over 75.0% Boer genes

Grade 3 – over 50.0% Boer genes

Grade 4 – up to and including 50% Boer genes

Percentage will be shown on the registration certificate.

n) The ZBGS may, at its discretion, upgrade to 100% those female Grade 0 Boers with over 96.87% Boer genes

o) All percentage female goats are eligible for registration.

p) Only Male Boer goats that are 100% [grade “0”] are eligible for registration [i.e. both parents must be 100%]

q) On acceptance of a registration by the society, owners will be issued with a registration certificate for each goat giving its registered number and other particulars. The number will indicate its Grade, registration number and colour of the goat e.g. “0- 234-S” vis. (Grade – Registered number – Colour).

r) All forms and certificates issued and received by, or on behalf of, the society shall remain the property of the society.

s) All registered goats may be subject to inspection by a member of the society committee on a random basis. If any goat is found not to conform to the relevant breed standard on inspection its registration may be changed or withdrawn.

t) For an imported animal, its parents and grandparents as a minimum must be registered with a bona-fide Boer Goat Society or Association in their country of origin. (This may be more than 1 country). If the said paperwork carries the correct qualifying percentage information, from a recognized breeder, the goat shall be eligible for registration at the stated percentage. If this is not available they will be registered at 75%.

u) If the said paperwork refers to only “full blood”, “purebred” or similar term or to an inspection percentage, the goat shall be eligible for entry to Grade 0 (100%) only if it has reached the top of its grading.

v) For animals, where there is paperwork providing three generations of pedigree from a recognized breeder, but which have not been registered in accordance with rule 2(a) or 2(b) then rule 2(c) can apply and the animal may be eligible for registration at a maximum grade 2 or 75% Such animals can be subject to spot checks for accuracy by any member of the committee authorised by the committee so to do and will be subject to 2(s).the registration may be subject to scrutiny. Before entry to the ZBGS Herd book the committee must be satisfied with the validity of the paperwork. Any goat found to be incorrectly described or registered is liable to be deregistered by the Society at the discretion of the committee

w) Where there is no paper work or pedigree exists – then the animal will be registered as 0%

x) If an application for registration is refused or withdrawn, the owner of the said goat shall have the right of appeal to the committee, which will appoint three members to inspect the animal and advise the committee. Any decision then made by the committee will be final.

y) Registration fees: MALES $15 and FEMALES – $10. Registration fees are doubled for kids not registered within one year of birth, except imported goats which can be registered for the normal fees at any age. Transfer of ownership $5. These sums are payable to the Zimbabwe Boer Goat Society at time of application

z) Prefix Registration– $20. 

aa) A 25% discount will be given on the total cost if more than 10 goats are registered at the same time

bb) Registrations to be included in the current year herd book to be received before 31st December of that year.

cc) Registration cards -. Registration cards should be preserved and if the goat named thereon is sold the card must be returned to the Zimbabwe Boer Goat Society, accompanied by a transfer form completed by the seller and the appropriate fee. No Alteration should be made to the card other than by the society. The registration card for any registered dead animals must be returned to the registration secretary


4. Annual General Meetings 

a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting held for the society within 12 months of the previous AGM

b) A qualifying member is a member who has fully paid up current membership of the society. The member can vote at meetings personally or by post or by proxy.

c) A qualifying member who is unable to attend personally the AGM or any other meeting called by the Society and wish to register a vote, they shall submit their postal vote or proxy vote 30 days before such meeting, indicating their vote on such matters or indicate the name of the person as they wish to act on their behalf, In default of a proxy vote without a identified person nominated then the Chairman will vote on their behalf.

d) The rules of the society shall only be changed by a motion proposed by not less than 5 qualifying members of the society and approved by majority of qualifying voting members counted at an Annual General Meeting.

e) Indication and details of such proposed changes shall be sent to the Secretary, not less than 90 days, before an AGM.

f) The Secretary shall, if the proposal is in the correct form, notify the whole membership not later than 60 days before an AGM of the proposed rule changes to be put to the membership at an AGM, Such notification shall contain the details of the proposal and is to be included in the notice and agenda for the AGM.

g) There will be a 51% vote from the qualifying voting membership in favour for any motion to change the rules or to resolve any other proposition put to the society

h) The applications for positions of additional responsibility for the society shall be nominated by one, and seconded by another of the qualifying members of the society and notified to the Secretary not less than 60 days before the AGM.

i) The Chairman and Vice Chairman, duly nominated, shall be elected at the AGM by majority vote from qualifying voting members of the Society.

j) Uncontested positions will be determined at the AGM.

k) A Secretary shall be appointed by the members at the AGM and carry out such duties as requested by the committee. The Secretary must be a member of the The remuneration, if any, of such office holder, as secretary, shall be at a rate agreed by the society’s committee

l) A Treasurer shall be elected at the AGM to hold securely on behalf of the Society the monies of the Society. Shall pay and receive, record and report such monies and transactions required, and report at the Committee meetings and present final accounts at the AGM reporting the transactions and the audited financial position of the Society

m) A Registration Secretary shall be appointed at the AGM to:- maintain a register of each uniquely numbered animal, record the status of purity of the goats, and the register of the owner of each registered Boer goat, on behalf of the members of the Society

n) A Committee of ten members shall to be elected by majority vote of all qualifying members and to stand in office for two years.

0) Those retiring committee members shall be eligible, if duly proposed and seconded, for re-election to the committee at the AGM.

p) The committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy for office that may occur during the year, but such person appointed shall only hold office until being considered and ratified by election at the next AGM. This committee member if ratified by the AGM shall serve for the remainder of period of office the person they replace would have served – then seek re-election


5. Management of the Society 

a) The society shall be managed in the interest of and on behalf of the membership and in the Societies name by the elected Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and the Committee of ten members.

b) A quorum for a committee meeting shall be five

c) There will be one vote for each committee member all matters to be resolved by a majority vote, if an equal vote the chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote

d) The committee shall meet at least twice per year either in person or by virtual meetings held electronically or by telephony

e) The committee shall be notified, by the Secretary, not less than 10 days before of such a committee meeting, of the means of communication, the date and time of the meeting and an agenda of what is to be discussed along with any relevant pre meeting information relating to that meeting.


6. Disputes 

a) Any complaint against a member or other person for having failed to observe any of the rules or regulations of the society, or for being guilty of discreditable conduct may be investigated by the committee.

b) Such complaint must be made in writing by a member and due notice of its nature must be given to each member of the committee and a copy of the complaint posted to the person against whom the complaint is made, at least seven days before the same is heard by the committee.

c) The persons concerned shall be informed of the date and about the time when the complaint will be considered, and they shall have the right of being present with any witnesses or representation should they desire, otherwise any evidence they wish to place before the committee must be submitted in writing.

d) The committees’ decision in the matter shall be final.

e) Every such complaint, unless made by an official of the society, having no personal interest in the matter, must be accompanied by a deposit of fifty pounds, which shall be liable to forfeiture should the committee consider the complaint to be a frivolous one or one which should not have been made.

f) The committee shall be empowered, should the complaint be upheld, to suspend the person whom the complaint is made from exhibiting at, or taking part in, any show held under the rules and regulations of the Zimbabwe Boer Goat Society for such a reasonable period as they decide, and no entries for the herd book, or advertisements in the “website” or “for sale list” or other publications shall be accepted from anyone so suspended during the period of suspension.

g) In the event of a complaint against a member of the society being upheld, such member shall cease to enjoy any privileges as a member from the date of and during the period of suspensions, and may be removed from the society by a resolution passed by a majority of the committee present, not less than seven days’ notice of such intended action having been given to the member and to each member of the committee.

h) A member removed from the society under this rule shall have no claim to the return of his or her subscription or any part thereof, or to the return of any money or monies paid to the society.

i) The committee shall be empowered to cancel, or reduce the period of any suspension.


7. Rules regarding Artificial Insemination. 

a) All processes connected with AI to be performed by qualified persons and to be completed in accordance with current legislation

b) Persons to undertake insemination to provide the society with a copy of their certificate or other evidence of training in A.I. of goats.

c) Any males used for artificial insemination shall be registered with the society.

d) The inseminator is to provide a signed certificate of service to the owner of the doe with AI clearly marked upon it in RED.

e) Certificate of service is to accompany the registration forms for kids born by this method.

f) Goats born by this method will have AI marked on their registration card and alongside their entry in the herd book.

g) The society reserves the right to reject an application to register goats born by artificial insemination.


8. Rules regarding Embryo transplant. 

a) All processes connected with embryo transplant (ET) to be performed by qualified persons and to be completed in accordance with current legislation.

b) All donors and sires shall be registered with the society prior to entering an embryo transplant program.

c) The ET technician is to provide a signed and dated certificate of implantation to the owner of the recipient doe with ET clearly marked upon it. Details must include those of the recipient doe and the number and parentage of the embryos implanted, and the contact details of technician.

d) Certificate of implantation is to accompany the registration forms for kids born by this method.

e) Goats born by this method will have ET marked on their registration card and alongside their entry in the herd book.

f) Before entering an embryo transplant programme ALL donors must have produced at least one live kid by natural methods and the said kid has been registered with the society.

g) The society reserves the right to reject an application


9. Rules regarding the import of Frozen Embryos and semen. 

a) All rules regarding AI and ET above must be complied with.

b) Donor goats must be registered with an appropriate Boer goat breed society. (It is advised that an importer of Boer goat embryos or semen seeks confirmation of the ability to register any resulting offspring with the registration secretary prior to the importation.)

c) Any members making an application to register offspring from imported frozen embryos or semen shall provide a copy to the society of all information relating to the donor animals including the certificates of percentage and pedigree of the donor goat. The pedigree must include at least parents and Grandparents as per an imported live animal.

d) The society reserves the right to reject an application.



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